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Why Choose AADS for Miami-Dade County Municipal Lien Searches?

All American Document Services has become a leading provider of Miami-Dade County Municipal Lien Searches because we understand the unique laws and customs of the county that would challenge an inexperienced researcher.
Our Process for Miami-Dade County Municipal Lien Searches
AADS provides title companies and real estate attorneys with a comprehensive due diligence solution including municipal lien searches, tax reports, and UCC filings and searches for commercial properties across all the cities and counties in the State of Florida.
We have become a leader in Miami-Dade County Municipal Lien Searches because of our unique process.
- First, we determine the property’s current municipality and research the annexation history of the property to ensure there are no fees from a former governing municipality, which can happen if one city annexes a section of another.
- Next we confirm the property’s utilities, which may sound simple but is actually quite complex. Many towns in Miami-Dade County are not serviced for water by the county but by a neighboring municipality or county. This is usually the case if a property lies on unincorporated land. A simple county-level search of one of these properties in the Water Utility Lien System would yield no results on the property, but would not mean no municipal liens exist.
- The next step in performing Miami-Dade County Municipal Lien Searches is to find the governing authority with the power to levy special assessments on things like road paving, street lights, stormwater work. In Miami-Dade County, this can be tricky because of the many Assessment Districts, previously known as Special Taxing Districts, wherein a majority of property owners have agreed to allow the county to provide public improvement and services via on-ad valorem assessments that are not covered via regular taxes.
- Once the property’s utilities and governing authority are clarified, we submit our request to the appropriate departments and return the results to our clients in a neatly organized Municipal Lien Search Report including a tax overview, special assessments, code enforcement history, permitting history and utility information.
Simplify Florida Municipal Lien Searches with AADS
Since 2002, our accurate investigations, rapid turnaround time, superior customer service and paperless delivery have helped to expedite thousands of commercial real estate transactions. Most searches are completed within 24 hours.
Whether you need a trusted provider for Miami-Dade County Municipal Lien Searches or you need full title searches, owner verification, and chain of title searches on Florida residential properties, we can help.
You may also be interested in our and HOA estoppel letters, which we provide in Broward, Palm Beach and Miami-Dade counties.
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